Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Final Project: Phase 7

Phase 7: Medium Fidelity Prototype

Here the PowerPoint slides are visually improved and made interactive so as to provide our user testers with a better feel of the overall website.

Home Page

Customizable Page

Product Page

Payment Page

Basically, this is a better refinement of the low fidelity prototype. And based on the findings, further improvements were made. They are listed below:

A direct link to purchase a phone would be provided on the Main Page.

Purchasing phone would be done without the need to login.

Trade in links would be provided on the product page.

Better and clearer labels would be given to the pre-customized phones

The payment process could be cut down to only 3 steps. (2 steps for members after logging in)

Members would be allowed to customize certain parts of our website. (able to place shortcuts)

A site map would be implemented to guide users.

Minimalist approach adopted. (more images and fewer text)

Restructuring of certain pages.

Finally, we proceed on to the development of our High fidelity website prototype.

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